Legal Representation for Victims of Dallas Shopping Center Shootings
One common security threat all around the U.S. today is public shootings. Perpetrators of these heinous acts tend to target public spaces to maximize damages. Shopping centers are busy places and are unfortunately, targeted by mass shooters. Dallas has experienced a fair share of these unfortunate incidents; many people have lost their loved ones or sustained serious injuries.
If you are a victim of a mass shooting in a Dallas shopping center, our dedicated Dallas crime victim attorneys at The Lenahan Law Firm are ready to help. We have many years of experience working with shooting victims and can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (214) 295-1008 or toll-free at (888) 473-2820 to schedule your free consultation.
What Is the Responsibility of Shopping Centers?
If you visit a shopping center for grocery shopping or any other errands, they are responsible for providing adequate security while you are on their property. While the property owner is not required to hire personal security officers for every visiting customer, they must take adequate measures to prevent crimes and other security threats. If the shopping center fails to take these measures and keep customers safe, the owner could be liable for any damages they suffer due to an attack. The safety of customers should be prioritized at all times to prevent possible threats. There are several responsibilities of shopping centers in line with keeping customers safe. They include:
- Upgrading and enhancing existing security after criminal threats or acts
- Warn customers about impending security threats or foreseeable dangers
- Have sufficient surveillance cameras installed around the building
- Maintain and provide sufficient lighting around the property to prevent attacks
In case of any alerts, warnings, or threats to customers' safety, the relevant authorities should take appropriate actions to prevent them. This includes providing adequate security personnel and enhancing existing security structures. They should also repair gates, doors, fences, and alarm systems to keep perpetrators at bay.
Determining Liability in a Dallas Shopping Center Shooting
The truth is there could be any number of liable parties following a shopping center shooting. It could be the business owner, the venue owner, or even the government. As mentioned earlier, the shopping facility is responsible for providing security for visiting customers.
If anything happens to you when you are on the property, you can hold the owner responsible for damages. The shopping center must, by law, provide adequate security and keep all shoppers safe. If the business owner had prior knowledge of the potential threat to security, they might be found to have been negligent for any resulting damages. Determining liability in these circumstances varies depending on the details of each case and the damages suffered. If you have sustained injuries or a loved one was killed in a mass shooting, an attorney can help determine liability.
How The Lenahan Law Firm Can Help
After a mass shooting in a shopping center, survivors are often left questioning why and how it happened. Working with a dedicated and experienced attorney will help you get answers about corporations and individuals who may be responsible for the damages. Pursuing a legal recourse after such instances is crucial as it helps reduce the financial burdens caused by a third party.
If you have sustained injuries or lost your loved one in a shopping center shooting in Dallas, our compassionate Dallas wrongful death attorneys and personal injury lawyers at The Lenahan Law Firm are here to help. Call us today at (214) 295-1008 or toll-free at (888) 473-2820 to schedule your free consultation.
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