Lenahan Law Firm Blog

Texas Chemical Plant Explosions

Chemical plant explosions happen far too often in Texas. Major incidents in recent years include:

How Lax Chemical Storage and Exposure Laws Put People at Risk

Environmental advocates say that lax chemical storage and disclosure laws in Texas make disasters more likely to happen and worsen their impact. Legislation is needed to impose stricter rules regarding the structural integrity of above-ground tanks at chemical plants, refineries, and power plants. This is particularly important in areas prone to hurricanes, flooding, and storm surges. Although industry standards already exist for above-ground storage tanks, there is no penalty for not following standards. In addition, industry rules do not account for more extreme weather patterns in recent years.

Types of Chemical Processing Plants

A chemical processing plant is an industrial environment in which chemicals can be manufactured or processed into new materials. Different types of chemical processing plants include:

Common Causes of Chemical Plant Explosions in Texas

Chemical plant explosions often occur when safety rules and regulations are violated. Common causes include:

Why You Need a Dallas Attorney After a Chemical Plant Explosion

Explosions at chemical plants can cause fatal or catastrophic injuries. If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one in a chemical plant explosion, it is in your best interests to speak with a Texas personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. You may have a claim for compensation against the responsible parties.

Claims involving chemical plant explosions can be complicated cases, and insurance companies are primarily interested in their own bottom line. You need a legal team with the resources and experience to investigate a chemical factory explosion and get you the compensation you deserve.

Our Dallas workplace accident lawyers at The Lenahan Law Firm are dedicated to recovering the maximum compensation for our clients who have been seriously hurt through the negligence of others. We have built our reputation on fighting large companies and achieving excellent results. Our firm can handle every aspect of your case, including all communications with at-fault parties and insurance companies.

We offer a free consultation with no time limit. Call us at (214) 295-1008.

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