Lenahan Law Firm Blog

How to Afford Your Medical Bills During a Claim

Being involved in an accident is a stressful, traumatic experience. If you are like many people, you may not have tens of thousands of dollars to cover the cost of an ER visit or extensive medical care. This financial stress may cause you to avoid getting medical care, hoping to recover on your own – a dangerous decision. If someone caused your injuries through an act of negligence, then you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim, but that can take over a year. During that period while you are waiting for a settlement, how do you pay for your medical bills?

Your Options for Paying Medical Bills

The first thing to know is that you DO have options for paying your medical bills despite your financial condition. You should never hesitate to get medical help, even if you do not believe you are seriously injured. Many injuries do not show symptoms at once, such as organ damage, whiplash, or closed head wounds, but require immediate treatment. Seeing a doctor after an accident will not only ensure you get the care you need but will also provide evidence for your insurance claim or lawsuit, ultimately increasing your claim’s value.

Deferring Payment

With hundreds of thousands of automobile accidents occurring each year, medical providers are familiar with dealing with patients who have been injured and are awaiting a settlement. Most of them are willing to defer payment until your claim is settled – even if it takes a year or longer.

Treatment On Lien

Some medical facilities provide treatment on a lien, which is a legal agreement that you will pay the medical bills in full on the condition that your medical costs are covered as part of your settlement. Receiving treatment on lien is often the ideal solution, as it ensures you get the treatment you need and offers legal protection for your medical provider to help ensure they are paid for their services.

Use Your Health Insurance

If you have health insurance, your medical bills can be sent to your health insurance company instead of your auto insurance provider. Most health insurance companies have better coverage and higher discounts, which can lower the price of your medical bills. Your medical provider may attempt to have you sign a form that allows them to bill your auto insurance, but you should avoid doing so until you have spoken with your attorney. A hospital cannot deny you medical treatment if you refuse to authorize them to bill your auto insurance.

Speak to an Attorney

No matter which option you choose to pay for your medical bills, you need legal representation by your side. Your insurance company will attempt to settle your claim as fast as possible and will typically try to pay far less than you deserve, which can leave you in a very challenging position.

Our talented Dallas injury attorneys at The Lenahan Law Firm have decades of experience representing victims in accidents and helping them get treatment from qualified medical providers while pursuing the compensation they deserve. With the help of experienced legal representation, the full scope of damages will be pursued, including:

We can help guide you through the entire process, taking the stress and worry off your shoulders and helping you focus on your recovery and health. We offer a free consultation and take each client on contingency, which means you will not pay a dime in legal fees unless we win your case. Remember, if you have been injured, seek medical help immediately, and call us at (214) 295-1008 for a free case consultation.

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