Car Accidents and Psychological Stress

A car accident is a shocking incident that carries psychological consequences affecting your quality of life. A recent study published by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) reveals the psychological impact. The research study found compelling evidence that psychological stress has a substantial effect on people who have suffered a musculoskeletal injury, which increases as they go through the process of attempting to recover compensation. The study concludes that shortening the time it takes to get compensation for damages is a factor that could reduce the level of psychological stress.
At-Risk Claimants
At-risk claimants, such as those of a lower income or who are unemployed, may suffer PTSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome) if an injury claim is not resolved quickly. Many people do not have the resources to provide for themselves or their families when a car accident injury makes it impossible to work. The financial stress, when combined with the anxiety associated with hospitalization, treatment, and worries about the future can lead to an untenable situation.
Unfortunately, insurance companies are aware that many injured people need compensation quickly and may convince an injured person to accept a settlement far lower than they would recover with the help of a personal injury attorney.
PTSD and Auto Accidents
When hit by another vehicle and injured, the victim is transported for emergency medical treatment and may require surgery or extended medical care and treatment. The injuries are painful, difficult to treat, and may take weeks, months, or longer to resolve – if at all. The end result of this shocking change in circumstances can leave the victim with PTSD, living with bouts of depression, rage, changes in personality, constant nightmares, and ongoing fears. Even when physically healed, the elevated level of psychological stress can last for a year or longer, with symptoms such as agitation, fatigue, confusion, and a lack of motivation.
The Psychological Impact of a Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury is among the most difficult injuries to treat, with an unpredictable outcome. While some victims recover all or most of their abilities, others may suffer from long term disabilities. Along with the challenges of the physical damage to the brain, the psychological damage can be significant. Changes in speech, cognitive abilities, memory, and other factors come with anxiety, stress, depression, personality changes and other symptoms. The psychological impact can lead to long-lasting changes in quality of life and the need for higher levels of compensation.
Psychological Stress: Treating Injuries
It has long been recognized that stress affects healing. An injured person who is worried about police reports, insurance claims, the lack of income from work, support for the family, and other financial and personal concerns may not recover as quickly as a person without this degree of stress.
If you or your loved one has been seriously injured due to an act of negligence, you want your claim to be resolved as quickly and fairly as possible. Contact the Dallas personal injury lawyers at The Lenahan Law Firm for a free case evaluation. Our firm handles some of the largest personal injury cases in the nation, and as trial attorneys, we have achieved remarkable results in court. We work to take the stress and anxiety associated with your compensation off your shoulders. Call (214) 295-1008 today.
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