When a Motorcycle Passenger is Injured in an Accident

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Dallas motorcycle accident while riding as a passenger, you are a victim regardless of who is at fault. This can be a difficult situation because more often than not, people have a close relationship with the person driving the motorcycle, so claiming compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance may seem a bit uncomfortable.
However, being a passenger means that you have no control over the situation and cannot prevent or stop accidents that may occur on the road.
Why Do You Need a Dallas Motorcycle Crash Lawyer?
Whether the driver of the motorcycle or another person was negligent and caused the accident, you will need your own motorcycle accident lawyer if you were a passenger injured in a motorcycle accident. As an accident victim, you are entitled to have your injuries covered by the person responsible. Having a lawyer on your side can help you navigate some of the difficulties that may arise when bringing a claim for compensation.
If there was another person involved, then there may be a tricky question about which driver was at fault. As a passenger, you could sue either party’s insurance for compensation; however, this is more likely to be successful if you sue the party who was more at fault for the accident. This is where a lawyer can help you.
Another difficulty is that sometimes the passenger has a close relationship with the motorcycle driver. This may raise concerns about the cost of the accident to the operator. Having a lawyer on your side can help you remember that insurance is specifically designed to cover these types of accidents and a lawyer can act as a third party to the situation to ensure that you are compensated fairly.
How To Gather Evidence After the Accident
The most important thing to do after a motorcycle accident in Dallas, after getting medical attention, is to gather evidence. Getting the names and contact details of all the witnesses to an accident is critical because they can be an important asset to your motorcycle accident claim.
Another thing you should do is take pictures immediately after the accident. You should take as many pictures as you can of the accident scene and the vehicles involved from different angles so you can show the full story of the accident. If you do not have a camera, or are too injured to take pictures, you should ask someone if they have a camera and can take pictures for you.
You should also call the police from the accident scene so the accident can be officially recorded. You should insist that all drivers wait around until the police arrive.
Types of Motorcycle Accidents
There can either be one-vehicle motorcycle accidents or two-vehicle motorcycle accidents. It is important to be able to spot which type of accident you have been in because this will tell you who your claim will be against.
If you have been in a one-vehicle accident, this means that the motorcycle is the only vehicle involved in the accident, so your claim will be against the driver of the motorcycle. If you were in an accident with another vehicle, you will generally file claims against both the motorcycle driver and the other car involved unless it is obvious that only one of the drivers was at fault.
The Lenahan Law Firm Is Here To Help You
It is important that you find an experienced Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer who can help you with your claim and get you the compensation you deserve. The lawyers at The Lenahan Law Firm are exactly that and are ready to fight for you.
Give us a call today at (214) 295-1008, we can help you get back on track.
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