Pursue Compensation for Your Dallas E-Bike Accident
Electronic rental bikes have increased in popularity in Dallas over the years. They are a great way to get from A to B and are environmentally friendly, adding to the attraction. However, e-bike accidents can be serious and can result in serious or even fatal injuries. They can have life-altering consequences, but getting compensation can help victims and families reduce the possible consequences.
Call us today and we will do our best to protect your rights as well as pursue maximum compensation against the negligent party.
What Are the Risks Involved With a Rental E-Bike?
Despite the many cons to e-bikes, there are numerous risks involved in riding on electronic and rental bikes. There is the risk of cars driving negligently and hitting the rider of an e-bike, and there is also the risk of accidents with pedestrians.
There are also risks involved if the e-bike itself is defective and doesn’t work properly. This includes battery fires, tire blowouts, and other controller or battery malfunctions. It is important to be aware of all of these risks when deciding to take an e-bike for a ride so you can do your best to ride safely and avoid any accidents.
What Type of Injuries May Result From an Accident?
There can be a wide range of injuries resulting from an e-bike accident. These span from sprains to broken bones or worse. Some of the common injuries that result from e-bike accidents include:
- Brain injuries
- Fractures
- Contusions/lacerations
- Severe hemorrhaging
Who Is Liable for Accidents and Injuries?
Often, when people rent e-bikes, it is a spur-of-the-moment situation and often people do not wear protective gear. If they get into an accident, this may cause problems for claiming compensation and the blame often gets turned on the injured rider. How the law treats accidents involving e-bikes largely depends on the nature of the accident and who was involved.
If an e-bike rider has been hit by a car that was driving negligently, then the incident may be treated like an ordinary auto accident. This means that the injured rider can bring a claim against the negligent driver’s insurance for compensation.
If an e-bike rider is injured as a result of a defect in the rental bike, then the situation will be different. The cyclist may be able to pursue litigation against the rental company or the manufacturer of the bike. In this situation, it is a great idea to gather evidence that the rental company was aware of the defects and did nothing to mitigate them because this will be a strong point in the victim’s favor in the case.
However, if the accident was not caused by any other negligent party then it will be less likely you will be able to claim compensation.
How Will We Assess Your Case?
To assess your case and pursue your claim for compensation, we will need to gather all evidence that you have from the accident. This can include photographs of the accident scene, medical records, and any evidence of product defects if this was the cause of your accident.
The Lenahan Law Firm Can Help You
In a scenario where you have been injured on an e-bike or rental bike in Dallas, it is important to have an experienced lawyer on your side. The team at The Lenahan Law Firm knows the law and how to get the most out of it.
If you believe that your e-bike accident occurred as a result of another party’s negligence, then give us a call today at (214) 295-1008 for a free consultation with a Dallas bicycle accident attorney.
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- Charles D.