Home Crime Victims

Marc Lenahan Has Represented Victims of Crime His Entire Career

The first time I heard a District Attorney tell a victim, "I don't represent you," it was like having the air knocked out of me. But, as harsh as it sounded, the District Attorney was telling the truth.

My firm and I, however, have always represented victims of crime. And, for 2014, I served as the President of the National Crime Victim Bar Association, one of the greatest honors of my career to date.

Most Victims, Liaisons, & Lawyers Know Almost Nothing About Crime Victims' Rights

Representing victims of crime is as unique a specialty in law as there is. Dedicated and caring liaisons at the District Attorney's Office don't know your rights. Personal injury lawyers with hundreds of cases don't know your rights. We may be able to surprise you by recognizing your rights in your case that nobody ever mentioned. But do not delay. It is a dangerous myth that you should wait until the criminal case is over. The deadlines are already ticking.

Are you the victim of a crime in Dallas? Contact the dedicated team at The Lenahan Law Firm today!

Understanding Criminal Negligence and Its Consequences

Personal injury accidents of any kind cause a great deal of pain, suffering and stress for the victim. What makes such accidents even more painful is when they are caused simply by the negligence of another person.

According to the Texas Penal Code, criminal negligence is committed when a person acts in a way that puts others at risk of injury or wrongful death when he or she should be aware of said risk, but is so grossly careless that they do not realize the possible consequences of their action.

Catastrophic injury of all kinds can result from such negligence. Someone could recklessly drink too much alcohol and attempt to drive while intoxicated, knowing that they are not capable of operating their vehicle legally or safely. Whatever the case, a grossly negligent person who causes an injury should be held responsible for the damage. If you or someone you know has been severely injured because of criminal negligence, speak with a Dallas crime victim lawyer as soon as possible.

Recovering Damages for Crime Victims in Dallas

After suffering injury at the hand of a careless individual, you deserve the fullest amount of compensation possible. The Lenahan Law Firm advocates tirelessly for those whose lives have been affected by the criminal acts of others. Marc Lenahan, one of our Dallas wrongful death attorneys, has even been recognized as leader in this area. He was selected to serve as the National Crime Victim Bar Association's President-Elect for the year of 2013, which means he served as the group's President in 2014. He is also the Chair of the Injury and Terrorism Group of the World Law Alliance.

Our legal team focuses solely on severe injury cases and could provide skilled and experienced representation. Because we limit our practice areas and the number of cases we handle, you can be sure our firm will give everything they have to win your case.

Call us at (214) 295-1008 or toll-free at (888) 473-2820 for a free consultation today.

Additional Information

"I honestly am not sure what we would’ve done without you and your team. You have our deepest gratitude."
- Charles D.
