Home Catastrophic Injuries Amputations

Representing Victims of Amputations in Dallas

There are few injuries that impact your life or leave you more traumatized than an amputation. Losing a limb can completely change your life, make you unable to do simple tasks you once loved—such as playing fetch with your dog or working in your garden—and leave you in a financially unstable situation. If your amputation was caused by someone else’s act of negligence, then filing a claim may be your only option to recover the compensation you deserve.

Filing a claim alone is a difficult task, however. You need a legal professional by your side, fighting for you and your case. At The Lenahan Law Firm, we devote all of our time and energy to handling personal injury claims for a select number of clients. Our Dallas amputation lawyers fully understand the painful nature of these types of injuries, whether it happened on the job or in a car accident, and work to develop a compelling compensation claim that includes all damages. This way, the best medical care will be made available to our clients in the future. Each lawyer at our firm vigorously investigates the circumstances surrounding the accident to determine if punitive damages may also be claimed.

If you have never worked with a Dallas personal injury law firm before, you may be unaware of the great differences between firms and the level of dedication of their attorneys. Instead of having hundreds of cases at a time, the attorneys at our firm handle only a handful of catastrophic injury or wrongful death cases at once and build personal relationships with each client. Find out the difference for yourself during an initial consultation and by looking at the difference that was made for several of our previous clients. If you think we may be the right firm for you, call us at (214) 295-1008.

"...lost my right leg above the knee, my kidney and spleen were bleeding, and i had a traumatic brain injury. When I found Marc online i was very excited, praying he could help me out...If you have a severe case like I had, I think you should make a appointment to meet with Marc!"
- Michael J

What Are Causes of Amputations?

Amputations can be caused by any number of accidents and situations. The exact cause of your injury is an important part of receiving compensation, as the cause can determine who is liable. At The Lenahan Law Firm, we have worked on numerous cases in Dallas and, in our experience, the most common causes of amputations include:

What ever the cause of your injury is, you will likely have to face intense and sudden changes to your day-to-day life, employment, and even your residence. Amputation injuries often leave victims handicapped and having to deal with years of subsequent procedures by specialists, which come with large medical and hospital fees.

What Are Different Types of Amputations?

Amputations, or the loss of a limb, are often categorized as one of two groups: guillotine and crush. These groups help medical professionals determine what kind of injury you are suffering from, as well as what steps need to be taken to promote healing. Both of these injuries, however, are catastrophic and can have serious repercussions on your life, even with proper treatment.

Guillotine: A guillotine amputation is a completely clean injury. As in, the limb has been severed completely, often by a blade or a blade-like object, such as a piece of glass or metal. Often times, the doctors treating the injury will concern themselves first with stopping the bleeding, before determining if further amputations are needed in order to promote healing. With guillotine amputations, there is that chance that the limb can be reattached, but that is not always the case.

Crush: Crush injuries are the most common kind of limb loss injury. Usually, in crush amputation situations, the limb has not been fully removed. Rather, it has become so injured that it is beyond repair and must be amputated by a medical professional. With crush amputations, there is little to no chance of reattachment, as the injured limb cannot properly heal with the damage.

The Impact of an Amputation

An injury as traumatic as an amputation is not easy to recover from physically, mentally, or emotionally. Whether you lost a hand, arm, or leg, you will have to completely adjust how you live your life. You may have to move to a more accessible home. Your job may become an impossible task and you could lose employment opportunities altogether, depending on your preferred career. The emotional fallout of the injury could plague you for years after you recovered physically.

That is not even to mention that an amputation injury may cause you pain even after it has physically healed. Phantom pain is a phenomenon many amputation victims have to deal with on a daily basis. While your limb may be gone, it still hurts as if it is there. No one is completely sure why phantom pain exists, and there are no cure-all medicines that can fix the issue. Often, the best one can hope for is to lessen the pain.

All of that difficulty, coupled with the high medical bills you will likely be facing, means it is incredibly important that you receive proper compensation. Filing a claim and working with an experienced amputation attorney may be your best bet to living a comfortable life again. Without recovering damages, you could be left dealing with the trauma of your injuries completely alone and with no financial support. Contacting a personal injury attorney to help you and your case is vital to ensuring you have a real shot at living a comfortable life after your injury.

Notable Amputation & Disfigurement Cases

Example One: Settlement Amount is Confidential

At the time of his accident, MJ was riding motorcycles with his longtime friend. A Cadillac traveling at over 100 miles per hour flew past him and subsequently ripped off his leg. The driver kept going. MJ had hired another firm which collected some UM/UIM funds for him, but then gave up on collecting against the owner of the Cadillac because it had been "reported stolen." When MJ hired Marc Lenahan, he had very little hope, but he felt the injustice was too great to let go.

Marc was able to prove that the owner of the Cadillac had either lent the car to a friend who was driving it with his permission or that the owner of the Cadillac was grossly negligent in failing to properly secure the vehicle. The case settled for a confidential amount above policy limits, and with the money that was secured, MJ was able to embark on a new path by beginning his studies in prosthetics.

Example Two: Settlement Amount is Confidential

RA's leg was shattered so badly that parts of his bones were visible in the grass in the photos that the police officers had taken while mapping the scene. The driver blamed RA, although she had been the one to pull out into traffic and hit him. We proved that the driver was grossly negligent, and the case settled soon after. We then notified DPS that we felt the driver had health-related issues that rendered her unsafe to drive, and they commenced an evaluation.

Feel free to read more about our many successful cases here.

How Can a Dallas Limb Loss Lawyer Help?

We've stood at the bedside of clients when they did not know if the doctors would be able to save their limbs, but we've also watched a client dance at his wedding years later. With the right help, the future could be brighter than we or you could ever predict from an ICU. Amputations are considered the most traumatic and life-changing of all types of physical damage. The length of the healing process can stretch into years, with subsequent medical procedures to reduce scarring, adjust prosthetics, and make the patient feel as comfortable as possible with their situation.

The victim faces a great many challenges, not the least of which is the emotional trauma that accompanies this type of injury. A large number of these injuries are the result of a vehicle accident, workplace accident, or the negligence of another person or company. If you have suffered a severe injury due to the carelessness of another, talk to a Dallas catastrophic injury attorney at The Lenahan Law Firm about filing a claim for compensation.

Our advice is free when you call us at (214) 295-1008 or (888) 473-2820.

Additional Information

"I honestly am not sure what we would’ve done without you and your team. You have our deepest gratitude."
- Charles D.
