Home Denton County Personal Injury Dog Bite

Legal Representation for Victims of Denton County Dog Attacks

Dogs are man’s best friend and make great companions, as well as joy and laughter. However, dogs are not always harmless, and bites and attacks from dogs can cause severe injuries. Dog bites pose a potential risk to the Denton County community.

The Lenahan Law Firm believes that you deserve to feel safe around someone else’s pets. We can help you get the compensation you deserve after a dog bite in Denton County.

What Are Some Common Dog Bite Injuries?

Dogs have sharp teeth, powerful jaws, and can move fast. If you have been caught in the path of a dangerous dog, you can end up suffering serious injuries. Some common injuries include:

A dog’s mouth is full of harmful bacteria, so even a small dog can be a serious health risk. If a dog bite wound is not properly cleaned, there is a risk that the bacteria can cause severe infections. If you have been injured by a dog, you need to seek medical assistance straight away.

Wound Treatment

For minor wounds, it is important to wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water and cover it with antibiotic cream before covering the wound with a clean bandage. It is important to seek medical attention if the wound becomes swollen, red, or painful.

For deeper wounds firstly, apply pressure to stop the bleeding. If you cannot stop the bleeding, call 911 and see a healthcare provider as soon as possible. They will be able to assess your injury and treat it to avoid infection and other illnesses that may come about.

What Do I Do After a Dog Bite Injury?

After attending to your injury, it is important to report the bite. Contact your local animal control agency or police department to report the injury. If possible, it is a good idea to contact the owner and ensure the animal has a current rabies vaccination.

You should also go to a doctor after being injured by a dog. The doctor can treat and document your injuries and help prevent any infection or the injury from getting worse.

Lastly, you should call a Denton County personal injury attorney after being injured by a dog. They can help you piece together your case and hopefully get compensation for your injuries from the owner or handler of the dog.

Who Is Liable for the Injuries?

In Denton County, the owner of a dog is liable for a dog attack if they knew or should have known that their dog was going to act aggressively. The best way to know if a dog is aggressive is if it has already bitten someone or has displayed any other form of aggressive behavior that could cause injury.

To file a successful Denton County dog attack claim, the injured party must prove that the owner had a duty of care towards the victim, they failed this duty of care and the victim received injuries as a result of that failure.

Compensation After an Animal Attack

Determining who is liable for a dog bite can be tricky because dog attacks can happen fast and can be disorientating. A Denton County dog bite lawyer will assess your case and see whether all of the elements mentioned above can be made out.

Contact Our Denton County Dog Bite Injury Attorneys

The team at The Lenahan Law Firm is here to help you. We know how difficult dog bite claims can be, and we are prepared to take on the burden. We will fight for fair compensation on your behalf so that you can recover in peace without the stress of tricky legal issues.

For a free consultation, give us a call today at (214) 295-1008.

"I honestly am not sure what we would’ve done without you and your team. You have our deepest gratitude."
- Charles D.
