Were You Injured by Someone Who Was Overserved in Dallas?
Bad things happen when a bartender serves someone who is obviously drunk and allows them to drive away. That’s why Texas and 41 other states have dram shop laws that hold bars, restaurants, taverns, clubs, and other establishments that serve alcohol liable for death and injuries that occur in these situations.
If you are a loved one was harmed or killed in an accident caused by a drunk driver in Dallas, you may be able to recover damages from the people who continued to serve the driver even after they were clearly intoxicated. At The Lenahan Law Firm, we know how to win dram shop cases. Call (214) 295-1008 today to arrange your FREE consultation today.
Proving Liability in Texas Dram Shop Cases
In a recent year, over 1000 Texans died in accidents caused by drunk drivers. That’s more than one fatality every eight and a half hours. When reckless bar owners put profits ahead of human lives, owners, managers, and servers can all be held liable for death or injury that results.
It’s pretty clear when a person is too drunk to drive. Yet a waiter or bartender may continue to serve a drunk patron, ignoring such obvious signs as:
- Slurred speech
- Bloodshot eyes
- Alcohol on their breath
- Unsteady on their feet
- Someone told staff the patron had been drinking too much
- They consumed enough alcohol to be over the legal limit
Even when a bartender serves an obviously drunk person and allows them to leave the establishment, dram shop cases can be complicated and difficult to win. Your lawyer must demonstrate that the negligent server was the proximate cause of the accident that harmed you. That means proving that your injuries occurred because of the server’s reckless actions.
Investigating Your Case
Your Dallas personal injury attorney knows how to prove that a careless bar or restaurant employee should have cut their customer off instead of continuing to serve them. That means questioning witnesses, reviewing police reports, and going over bar tabs to demonstrate that the bar was at fault.
Toxicology experts can use BAT tests taken at the accident scene to calculate how drunk the driver was when they left the bar. Your lawyer will perform a thorough investigation and build a strong case using the following types of evidence:
- Videos
- Bar receipts
- Medical evidence
- Drink serving size
- Toxicology reports
- Eyewitness testimony
- Expert witness testimony
- Police reports and officer testimony
Getting Compensation After the Accident
Pedestrians, passengers in other vehicles, and passengers in the drunk driver’s car have the right to seek compensation for injuries caused by negligent employees who continued to serve an obviously drunk person. Bar owners and managers may also be held responsible for the reckless actions of their employees.
You may be eligible to receive compensation to cover the cost of the accident that you or a loved one needlessly suffered, including:
- All medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Reduced earning capacity
- Rehabilitation
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Disfigurement
- Disabilities
- Wrongful death
Dallas Attorneys Representing Clients With Severe Injuries
In cases of severe injuries and wrongful death, parents, spouses, and children who survive the victim have the right to file a claim. But there are complicated legal issues involved in dram shop cases, and you need an experienced Dallas car accident lawyer to file and win a successful claim.
At The Lenahan Law Firm, we devote our full attention to getting you the compensation you need to put your life back together after a serious accident. We focus exclusively on severe injury, and we only take on a limited number of cases. Call (214) 295-1008 to learn more today. We’re on your side.
"I honestly am not sure what we would’ve done without you and your team. You have our deepest gratitude."
- Charles D.