Seriously Injured in a Rollover Accident in Dallas?
Rollovers are devastating. When a vehicle tips over, occupants can strike their heads on the side window or roof, which can result in a traumatic brain injury. With a defective seatbelt, passengers can be ejected and suffer even worse injuries.
If you were injured in a rollover accident that was not your fault, you should contact the legal team at The Lenahan Law Firm. Since 2007, we have been fighting for accident victims throughout the Dallas area, recovering proper compensation for their injuries. Our Dallas rollover accident lawyers have the expertise to go head-to-head with big insurance companies. Let us stand up for your rights. Call us at (214) 295-1008 to talk about what happened to you in a free consultation.
The Dangers of Dallas Rollover Accidents
Rollovers are likely to leave a vehicle occupant suffering a catastrophic blow to the head or partial ejection from the vehicle. These accidents are also dangerous for nearby drivers and pedestrians, who may be severely injured when the rolling vehicle tips onto them. Up to 35% of all fatal car accident in the United States involve a rollover.
Even if people survive these collisions, they are often left with catastrophic injuries, including:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord damage and disabilities
- Multiple broken bones
- Amputations
- Crush injuries
- Nerve damage and paralysis
- Fatal injuries
Many victims are left with expensive medical bills, months to years of rehabilitation, and lasting emotional scars. If someone else caused your trauma, then you should not have to bear these burdens alone. Instead, the person who harmed you and their insurance company should provide full compensation.
What Causes Vehicle Rollovers?
Rollovers occur in two scenarios: tripped and un-tripped accidents.
Tripped accidents occur when the vehicle strikes another object or hits uneven terrain, which causes the wheels to “trip” and the vehicle to tip onto its side. Around 95% of rollover accidents occur due to a vehicle striking a guardrail, poor road design, dangerous weather conditions such as ice or flooded roads, or a steep hill.
While un-tripped rollovers only account for 5% of all accidents, they are just as devastating. These accidents involve top-heavy vehicles like 18-wheelers, buses, RVs, passenger vans, maintenance vehicles, jeeps, and SUVs. These vehicles are raised off the ground and have a higher center of gravity. During a collision, they have a higher chance of tipping over compared to your average sedan. This is especially true in semi-truck rollovers, which can occur due to the trailer being overloaded or out of balance.
Rollovers are usually the result of negligence, either on the part of the driver, the vehicle’s manufacturer, or the road’s designer. In our experience, the main causes of rollover accidents include:
- Drivers who were distracted
- Drivers who fell asleep at the wheel
- Aggressive drivers
- Intoxicated drivers
- Drivers taking turns at high speeds
- Roads with poor designs, potholes, soft soil, hidden obstacles, sharp turns
- Poorly designed vehicles
- Overloaded vehicles, including 18-wheelers and pickup trucks
Who Is Responsible for Your Injuries?
In the majority of rollover accidents, the at-fault party is a negligent driver. Getting behind the wheel of a top-heavy vehicle without the proper experience or training could put both the vehicle’s passengers and other drivers at risk of serious injuries. Sadly, many inexperienced and reckless drivers operate heavy vehicles every day, including passenger vans and buses. If you were injured as a passenger, you may be able to file an auto accident claim against the driver’s insurance policy for compensation.
However, if another driver struck your vehicle and caused it to tip over, then that driver may be responsible for your trauma. It takes a lot of force to tip a heavy vehicle over, but collisions with intoxicated or aggressive drivers have that in spades. In these instances, you should talk to an attorney about filing a claim with the other driver’s insurance.
It is important to know that auto manufacturers are aware of the dangers of rollover accidents, especially for heavier vehicles like SUVs and jeeps. Manufacturers have the responsibility to design and test their vehicles to determine if they will roll over in a crash. If so, the manufacturer should redesign the vehicle to prevent serious injuries to its occupants. Many manufacturers now add safety bars and side-airbags to minimize the risks of occupant injuries in a rollover, but these devices also should be tested and reviewed for defects. If your injuries were caused by a negligent manufacturer, then your best option is to file an auto product liability claim.
Compassionate and Strong Legal Representation
The stakes are high in rollover accident cases. Victims can be left disabled, in a great deal of pain, and buried in medical debt. But if someone else caused your accident, then that someone should be the one to pay for your care and recovery, not you. To get the compensation you need to heal, you should contact a Dallas personal injury lawyer at The Lenahan Law Firm immediately.
Our personal injury team has the expertise, knowledge, and skill to thoroughly investigate your accident. We will review every option to ensure you get the most out of a claim. We are not afraid to deal with big insurance companies and will not rest until you are taken care of. To discuss your case in a free consultation, call us at (214) 295-1008.